We realize training materials, as you will discover :
e-learning content:
This series has been developped for internal training purposes :
- French on-line computer dictionary : This dictionary of computer terms has been developped for the Canon sales teams, in order to clarify the computer vocabulary. These includes formal definitions, drawings, and training videos in order to see and understand the meaning of all these specialized terms.
- The eCopy technology (French) : This series of videos gives a full training set for the sales representatives so they can better understand the eCopy positionning, and demonstrates various aspects of the product. A quiz has aso been developped in order to provide self assessment.
- Parametering a driver (French) : These videos, aimed at Canon trainers and technicians of professional printers detail how these drivers should be parametered, and has some drills included.
- iW360 (English) is a document management software, fully explained in these videos, for Canon’s end users
Some tutorials are more marketing oriented, as the next one :
- NTR (English) , has deveopped a remote control tool. We developped a presentation of the software that has been created for NTR’s web site.
We also create documentation, as used for training, marketing, or technical documentation. Here are some of them
Training documentation :
- Microsoft Dynamics level 1(French) This training book has been created for a MS Dynamics training, being part of a full change management process, when deploying Microsoft’s Customer Relationship Management software in a company. The purpose of this documentation is to be used as training material as well as a reference for later on.
- How to conduct an audit (French): This is a memo for an audit « crash course » to train future consultants
- Cash register training (French) : Training on a cash register CRM for cashiers.
- Cegid Business Place Training manual (English) : This is one of our 3 training manuals on Cegid business place (Cegid’s fashion ERP)
Technical manuals :
- How to install iW360 (French) : a step by step technical manual to help software deployment trams to properly install, parameter and train their customers.
Marketing tools
White paper (French) on the security of the PDF documents, realized for Adobe
We can realize YOUR documentations and training materials ! Contact us !